Labour Standards Policy
Qingdao Medmount Medical Technology Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of goodcorporate citizenship and of promoting and maintaining high standards of social and ethicalconduct. We acknowledge and endorse the Universal Declaration of Human Rightsand the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principlesand Rights at Work by way of incorporating the Ethical Trade Initiative Base Code onwhich this policy is largely based, as a standard for responsible business covering humanand labour rights. We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain partners andcontractors throughout the supply chain adopt a similar approach.
The minimum standards we require which have been adopted from the Ethical TradingInitiative (ETI) Base Code include the following:
● Employment is freely chosen
● Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining arerespected
● Working conditions are safe and hygienic
● Child labour shall not be used
● Living wages are paid
● Working hours are not excessive
● No discrimination is practiced
● Regular employment is provided
● No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
We will ensure adherence to and awareness of these principles by:
● Communicating our code of conduct clearly to all suppliers who make our products.
● Assessing the working conditions at manufacturing sites against our code of conduct.
● Working collaboratively with suppliers and positively engaging with the people in our supply chain to overcome issues and ensure the continuous improvement of working conditions.
● This Policy is endorsed by senior management and will be reviewed periodically takingaccount of all relevant legislation and updated guidance.