Sustainability Policy
Qingdao Medmount Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to promoting sustainability. We aim to follow and to promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities and to help our clients and partners to do the same.
Our Sustainability Policy is based on the following principles:
1) To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
2) To integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions.
3) To ensure that all staff are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it.
4) To minimize the impact on the sustainability of all office and transportation activities.
5) To make clients and suppliers aware of our Sustainability Policy, and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices.
6) We will continually strive to improve our sustainability performance.
In order to put these principles into practice we will:
1) When travelling to meetings:
a) Walk, cycle and/or use public transport to attend meetings, site visits, apart from in exceptional circumstances where the alternatives are impractical and/or cost prohibitive.
b) Include the full costs of more sustainable forms of transport in our financial proposals, rather than the least cost option which may involve travelling by car or air.
c) Avoid physically travelling to meetings where alternatives are available and practical, such as using teleconferencing, video conferencing or web cams, and efficient timing of meetings to avoid multiple trips. These options are also often more time efficient, while not sacrificing the benefits of regular contact with clients and partners.